Friday, 16 March 2018

Tutorial for shopping/tote bag

This morning I've been busy making a new shopping bag, and thought I would share the tutorial with you.  These bags are easy to make, just a couple of hours, and are so handy now that supermarkets
 are charging for plastic carrier bags.  They also make good presents, as everyone can use a bag.
To make this bag you will need:

2 pieces of fabric 17" x 19".  I used upholstery fabric, as this is sturdy enough to not need interfacing.
2 pieces of lining fabric 17" x 19"
2 pieces of the main fabric 16" x 4" for the handles

With right sides together, sew around three sides of the fabric, allowing 1/2" seams, leaving the top edges open.  Cut off corners and trim seams to 1/4".
Do the same with the lining fabric, but leave a 4" gap in the bottom of the bag, to turn through later.
Cut off corners and trim seams to 1/4".
To give the bag more shape, I made a gusset at the bottom.  To do this, fold bottom corners, as shown, on the bag and the lining, with the seam in the middle.  Measure 3 1/2" across the corner, draw a line, and sew across this line.

Cut off excess fabric;
Now turn bag to right side, leave lining with wrong side out.  Place bag inside lining and match up side seams.

Put to one side and make the handles.
Fold handles in half lengthwise, right sides together and stitch long sides, allowing 1/4" seams.  Turn right side out and press.
Place handles inside bag, between the bag and lining fabric, with handles hanging down inside bag, approx 3" from each side seam.  Pin in place.
Sew around top edge of bag, allowing 1/2" seam.  Trim seam to 1/4", then turn whole bag through the gap left in the lining.  Press top edge and top stitch around if desired.
Hand or machine stitch the gap in the lining.
And there's your lined shopping bag.  It can be made any size you want, with longer handles if you prefer.  Happy Shopping!

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